... With more custome maded characters you have, than those system auto generated NPC will more look like they're from another world... (may be the devoloper realize that too, so there're less pre-made families in recent packs than before)
... With more custome maded characters you have, than those system auto generated NPC will more look like they're from another world... (may be the devoloper realize that too, so there're less pre-made families in recent packs than before)
Your Neighbour girl vol9
~~~Dark Elf Hiring price~~~ Tour guide : 600 simoleon/hr Bar waitress : 250 simoleon/hr
Your Neighbour Girl vol8. 👖Make every sims special👖
A "Atelier series game" like character(NPC?). Download if you like her.
🐇Make every sims special🐇 Nice to living with this two girls, day and night.
One more sims girl for this week. I like to put more dressing on them but file size is too much.
Hope you like the style of those girls I made.
Your neighbour's daughter is in rebellious stage. Skip classes, stroll whole night, etc... Her patient just don't know how to deal with it.
When you're a kid, an elder told you to count sheep if you want to sleep. You ask" How about if I don't want to sleep?" The elder think a while and said "count rabbit..."
New sims girl with lot of dressing(and file size), hope you like her.
Your neighbor had purchased some antiques at a flea market, but his wife didn't think much of them. The only way she found those stuffs were useful was to use them as projectiles in their quarrel.
After searching on Google, I have seen some other guys tried using Sims 3or4 to recreate her but not really success (included me).
A tornado had run across the town you live last week. It's lucky for you that the tornado became weak, then vanish before approach to you. But the house next to yours, the home of a young couple have been completely destroyed.
Your neighbour is a ninja! Special agent for a secret organization which locate in strange valleys called E or A or something. Her work included take down enemy, collect information, bugs fixing, pizza delivery, fight back paparazzi, walk a dog... what an unethical company it is.
I recreate Hermione Grangier this time. She took me less than an hour to make but used hours to pose!
Your neighbour has jointed a "student exchange program" with the elf tribe. A young elf girl is living in your town to learn about human's culture. In exchange, your neighbour's gramps stays in the elf's region as a "student "...
My all time favorite demon theme girl. I hv made 7 of them in a roll, this is the first one.
🌸Make every sims special🌸 Tell me you kind of girl you like to have~
My version of Avatar girl. Don't ask me why it differnt from the original, what hair color should be. Beacuse "I LIKE TO~".
👩🦰Make every sims special👩🦰 For me, she's look cool, what do you think?
👿Make every sims special👿 My Demon for this weak.
🧛♀️Make every sims special🧛♀️ Download if you like to play with vampire
👗Make every sims special👗
Make every sims special.
Separate into two zip files can use program like 7zip(install then right click on my file) to decompress it.
One day you know that your neighbour - Mulisa's husband, who work in a paper company as a salesman was caught by local police during he was on his business trip.
Ema is a good biology teacher that can tech you everything. Professional in fungus research and expert for making mushroom grow up.