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H7SB Farming  

Upload: 01 Oct 2022, 21:13
Created by: Eihwaz [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
H7SB Farming

H7SB Farming is a server-side mod that includes a reworked farming system (fertilize,watering,farmland).
The mod has additional modules that can be optionally activated.
Atmo not compatible with SMX!

SM99 ModSlots

SM99 ModSlots

03 Oct 2022

This mod changes the number of modslots for weapons, tools and armors, also removes the mod power bonus and replace it with a higher tier bonus.

30K Stacks

30K Stacks

08 Sep 2022

Stacks most items and some blocks to 30,000. Some blocks are hardcoded and can't be changed from the default of 500. Also the folder name has a z in front of it, this is to load this toward the end of your load order which will allow it to affect new items and blocks added by other modlets.

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