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12k Africa Map A20.1 by NRS (Vanilla)  

Upload: 04 Oct 2022, 10:20
Created by: NotARussianSpy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
12k Africa Map A20.1 by NRS (Vanilla)

Thanks for checking out my 4th map, a 12k Africa created with KingGen and Tangram. 

Here is how these maps will be processed, not every map, just the ones that interest me the most:

First Edition: Bare bones map, little to no accuracy besides coastline and some geological aspects
Second Edition: More detailed, accurate biomes and major landscapes
Third Edition: Most detailed, including more accurate city placements and man made structures (example: Nürburgring in Germany)

Map Installation: 

Unzip into any location as long as you can find it, then take the 2nd file, which directly contains "Splat, preview, biomes" files, and place into 
%appdata% / 7 Days to Die / Generated Worlds.

Undead Legacy and CompoPack Maps 6 Pack v1.2 416.42 MB

Undead Legacy and CompoPack Maps 6 Pack v1.2

17 Sep 2022
1 509

This is a series of 8K and 10K RWG maps I made for Subquake's Undead Legacy v2.5.82 w/Compopack48, using my own curated RWG settings to maximize cities, add a bit more variation to their shape and size, and obviously pack as many of them as possible into a map without completely covering it.

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