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10k Iceland Map A20.1 by NRS (Vanilla)  

Upload: 04 Oct 2022, 11:01
Created by: NotARussianSpy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
10k Iceland Map A20.1 by NRS (Vanilla)

Thanks for checking out my 3rd map installation, a 10k Iceland Map created using custom height maps from Tangram, and generated with KingGen. 

Due to this creation method, roads and sewers do NOT update with A20 (So roads render, but not with lines or ditches/sewers)
If this does bother you, download away!

2nd edition will likely have Iceland's iconic island encompassing road, and even a volcano! ( don't hold your breath tho, Iceland while beautiful, is not my top priority in terms of map/mod creation)

First Edition: Bare bones map, little to no accuracy besides coastline and some geological aspects
Second Edition: More detailed, accurate biomes and major landscapes
Third Edition: Most detailed, including more accurate city placements and man made structures (example: Nürburgring in Germany)

Map Installation: 

Unzip into any location as long as you can find it, then take the 2nd file, which directly contains "Splat, preview, biomes" files, and place into 
%appdata% / 7 Days to Die / Generated Worlds.

Undead Legacy 2.6 Vanilla Maps 6 Pack 366.1MB

Undead Legacy 2.6 Vanilla Maps 6 Pack

02 Oct 2022

This is a series of 8K,10K, and 12K RWG maps I made for Undead Legacy Vanilla v2.6, using my own curated RWG settings to maximize cities, add a bit more variation to their shape and size, and obviously pack as many of them as possible into a map without completely covering it.

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