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MPLogue's Underground-Cave POI Collection (A20) - MOD  

Upload: 21 Sep 2022, 17:23
Created by: Michael Logue [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
MPLogue's Underground-Cave POI Collection (A20) - MOD

Welcome to my collection of Underground/Cave POI's!  This collection consists of SEVEN prefabs: Petra/Indiana Jones Temple, the Skywalker Homestead, Skeletor's Hermitage, Rave Cave, Rad Cave, and Rainbow Cave. This collection includes customized blocks, so it must be installed as a mod (instructions below).  Tier-1 through Tier-5 questable POI's.  

To install this mod pack, unzip the downloaded file into either your appdata Mods folder (see illustration in the photo gallery) or into your game's Mod folder.  

To find your appdata folder, open up your File Explorer, and type %appdata% in the address bar at the top.  Then navigate from there to your Roaming/7Days2Die/Mods folder.  

If you have any questions regarding the installation of this mod/POI collection, please feel free to drop me a note.

Thanks, and enjoy!

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