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Menu Video Backgrounds  

Upload: 04 Oct 2022, 10:02
Created by: Alter [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Menu Video Backgrounds
  • This mod adds random video backgrounds to the main menu.
  • Included 7 sets of three 30 seconds clips, amounting to 21 clips in total.
  • Requires EAC turned off to work.


If you want to add your own videos:

- Clips are read from the "VideoClips" folder inside the mod folder.
- Only .mp4 files are supported.
- If the name of the file contains the "_" character, it is considered part of a set. Clips that share the prefix before the "_" are part of the same set.

-Clips are picked randomly when starting a game and when going back to the main menu.
-If the clip picked is part of a set, only clips from that set will be picked until you restart the game.

All the clips included are part of sets that show the same location at different times and weather conditions.

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