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Mod Manager v1.0.2  

Upload: 24 Sep 2022, 14:01
Created by: FilUnderscore [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.0.2
Mod Manager v1.0.2


  • Mods List/Settings UI accessible from the main menu. Enable/Disable and customize mod settings from mods that support the Mod Manager Mod Settings API.
  • Game mod list compatibility checking. Ensures you don't load a save with the wrong set of mods.
  • Better error handling. Shows a user-friendly dialog box with the option to copy/ignore the message instead of spamming the in-game console with no way to close it.
  • Mod version checking. Get notified if any new mod updates are available, as well as get compatibility updates about old/new mod versions with the current version of the game installed.
  • Custom Mod Loader. Load mods from multiple directories (as well as the new default %AppData%\7DaysToDie\Mods and the old 7DaysToDie\Mods program folder).
  • Mod Dependency Management. Prevent mods that are missing other mods from being loaded, causing errors during startup without any way to figure out what mod is causing it.


For Clients

Note: This mod is not client-side EAC-compatible and will not run with EAC enabled due to how mod DLL loading works in A20.

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