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OCB Pin Recipes (A20) v0.6.2  

Upload: 13 Oct 2022, 20:43
Created by: ocbMaurice [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 0.6.2
OCB Pin Recipes (A20) v0.6.2

A small harmony mod enabling to pin recipes on the UI.
Good chance to be incompatible with other HUD mods!

This mod is not EAC compatible, so you need to turn EAC off!
Otherwise it should work on linux and also via vortex mod manager.
Should also work for multiplayer, but hasn't been tested that well yet.

Grab ingredients QOL feature

With version 0.6.0 I've added another Quality of Life feature.
Loot containers (e.g. your own storage chests) and vehicle containers get an additional button next to the "sort container" button. When you press this "grab ingredient" button, it will try to load as many items from the container as the pinned recipes require. For even more convenience, this action is also available by pressing `G` while the container is open. This key-binding can be adjusted (or removed) in the XML config if required.

Currently the same button is also shown as a hand above the pinned recipes. This is mostly to make users aware of this feature and might be removed in the future. It may also be helpful if your UI overwrites the item stack controller.

Increment Recipe Count (via scroll wheel)

Instead of clicking the plus/minus icons to inc-/decrement the amount to craft, you can also use your mouse scroll wheel when hovering over the pinned recipe. Note that this works best when hovering over the recipe name, as some elements seem to consume the scroll event (just find the spot where it works).

Pin Recipe Ingredients (via double click)

If one of your pinned recipes needs an ingredient you need to craft first, you can double click on the ingredient icon/number and the first valid recipe will be added to your pinned list.

Quartz v1.2.0 41KB

Quartz v1.2.0

07 Sep 2022

Quartz is a UI modding framework for 7 Days to Die. It adds new XUi Widgets and XUi Controllers that give modders more freedom on creating new and powerful UIs for 7 Days to Die.

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