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Random Mainmenu Background  

Upload: 04 Oct 2022, 12:13
Created by: closer_ex [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Random Mainmenu Background

This should be a client only mod. If some other mods requires it for randomized backgrounds but you prefer your default one, you should be safe to remove this mod without breaking anything.

The overview pretty much summarizes the usage of this mod, so I'll give a brief introduction on how to use it here.

To get this mod into effect, you need to add window_group named "menuBackground + custom identifier" for the background, and "mainMenuLogo + custom identifier" for the logo to XUi_Menu/xui.xml. Then I'll randomly pick one from these custom window groups. If there is no custom ones, the default one without custom identifier is loaded.

For example:
In XUi_Menu/xui.xml we have following window_groups:
<test name="XUi_Menu/xui.xml">
<append xpath="/xui/ruleset[@name='default']">
<window_group name="menuBackgroundTest1" actijаvascript-event-stripped"false">
<window name="backgroundTest1" />
<window_group name="menuBackgroundTest2" actijаvascript-event-stripped"false">
<window name="backgroundTest2" />

Then in XUi_Menu/windows.xml we just add those window like vanilla background and logo:

EAC must be off.

Quartz v1.2.0 41KB

Quartz v1.2.0

07 Sep 2022

Quartz is a UI modding framework for 7 Days to Die. It adds new XUi Widgets and XUi Controllers that give modders more freedom on creating new and powerful UIs for 7 Days to Die.

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