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Vampire Survivors - Minor patch 0.11.2

Upload: 04 Sep 2022, 09:39
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Vampire Survivors - Minor patch 0.11.2

Hello everyone, as many of you already know, patch 0.11.0 was the last major one before we started to wrap up all the content for v1.0

This means that for the next few weeks we'll be getting small updates with tweaks, bug fixes, and minor bits of content to complete the roadmap, We'll soon announce the release date for v1.0, but in the meantime here's what's in this new small patch!


- Unlockable option to choose a the Random character (check SECRETS menu).
- Option to skip the weapon selection from Candybox.
- Option to stop moving backgrounds (Moongolow, Cappella Magna).
- Option to cash-in immediately all remaining Revives when completing a stage.
- Added a few new sprites.
- New secondary skin for Christine.

- There's now a low, Luck-based chance that green coin bags from Treasure Chests could be substituted by a Candybox, if it has been unlocked.

- Fixed movement input resetting when leveling up/opening a treasure chest.
- Fixed a few errors around controllers (please know/remember that we won't be able to fix all controller issues until we complete the port to the new engine).
- Fixed birds firing timer at high cooldown.
- Fixed Gorgeous Moon breaking when firing too often due to Limit Break.
- Fixed Queen Sigma unlocking without having to exit and re-enter a run.
- Fixed NO FUTURE bouncing exlposions damage being considered retaliatory.

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