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Earthworm Jim 2  

Upload: 02 Jul 2022, 17:57
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Earthworm Jim 2

Genre: Platformer
Players: 1

A worthy continuation of the misadventures of an earthworm named Jim. The hero does not have time to enjoy a moment of joy with the newly acquired bride, What-Her-There-They-Name-The-Princesses, as the lady of the heart is immediately kidnapped by the villain Psychocrow. Even more exotic and crazy levels, no less vigorous and still fun gameplay, and as a small innovation, a new weapon was added to the game. The difficulty of passing in comparison with the first part has become a little less, but for inexperienced players, it will certainly be able to tickle the nerves.

Flintstones, The

Flintstones, The

02 Jul 2022

A toy on the theme of the Flintstones (who would have thought) ... Fred, armed with a club, runs through the levels, beats enemies with this very club, jumps over palm trees and the roofs of primitive huts, collects various useful gizmos.

Virtual Bart

Virtual Bart

03 Jul 2022

Another Simpsons themed game. Here Bart will again have to participate in various ridiculous situations. For example, this is throwing rotten tomatoes at passers-by, riding a bicycle through the garbage heaps, as well as completely senile things - running around the levels in the form of a pig and

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