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Upload: 03 Jul 2022, 06:18
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Genre: Beat-'Em-Up
Players: 2
Crazy fighting toads in a fight, and even in space. That's it. Toads use their fists as their main weapon, as well as enemies and the weapons that remain from some of them. The graphics and music are slightly above average, and the combat is pretty good. Port of the famous NES game. Game for 1-2 players.

WWF Wrestlemania Arcade

WWF Wrestlemania Arcade

02 Jul 2022

One of the best 16 bit wrestling games. Beautiful graphics, eight interesting fighters, a huge number of strikes and a greatly increased pace and speed, undoubtedly, make this game stand out. Two championships are at your service, in the second you will have to fight with all eight participants in

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