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Cannon Fodder  

Upload: 03 Jul 2022, 08:37
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cannon Fodder

Genre: Strategy
Players: 1
An interesting toy. You control a group of soldiers who must complete missions. Basically, this is the elimination of enemy soldiers and buildings. The number of your soldiers for each task is limited, and you cannot lose them (at least not all of them). For successful missions, soldiers receive new ranks. Graphics are average, but good music and dynamic game action. Single player game.

Squirrel King

Squirrel King

03 Jul 2022

Chip and Dale on Genesis! An interesting toy made by the Chinese based on Nesov's "Chip and Dale", which has flaws (not without that!). All it looks like on the NES version is throwing boxes at opponents and a couple of familiar bosses that hardly attack you.

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

03 Jul 2022

This is the same Mortal Kombat that just blew up the public at the time. This is his first part, although not with the best graphics and with a not very large set of fighters, but he was the first.



03 Jul 2022

A toy about the adventures of the Tasmanian devil Taz. He devours everything in a row, and this, oddly enough, helps him to successfully fight various enemies on the way. He is also able to spin like crazy (although why "how"?). The graphics are good.

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