Adventures of Batman and Robin, The
Genre: Action
Players: 2
Based on the famous animated series about the adventures of Batman and Robin, the Sega game is - unexpectedly - a shooter like Contra. By controlling the Dark Knight or his partner, we actively throw batarangs at enemies. There are hordes of opponents at the levels, so the game does not take the complexity. Three types of weapons: red batarangs - universal, green - reinforced, blue - for those who love a challenge in games. Weapons need to be pumped, then success in passing is guaranteed! During the game we will visit different places - on the streets of Gotham, in the sky above the city, in the surreal world of the Mad Hatter, at the factory of Mr. Freeze. The effects in AoBaR are amazing and the music is incredible by Sega standards! This unusual and amazing game is definitely worth appreciating. For 1-2 players.