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Sonic 3D Blast  

Upload: 03 Jul 2022, 09:34
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Sonic 3D Blast

Genre: Platformer
Players: 1
Sonic in 3D. The graphics are great. Because of the third dimension, the game has become more difficult and more interesting. The idea is traditional: Robotnik stuffed good birds into robots and we need to save them. One of the most notable games on the Genesis.

Golden Axe III

Golden Axe III

03 Jul 2022

The third part of the epic. The goal remains the same - to return the Golden Ax, an artifact of incredible power. The game is exciting and beautiful, there are forks.

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

03 Jul 2022

This is the same Mortal Kombat that just blew up the public at the time. This is his first part, although not with the best graphics and with a not very large set of fighters, but he was the first.

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