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Golden Axe II  

Upload: 03 Jul 2022, 09:37
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Golden Axe II

Genre: beat'em up
Players: 2 (co-op)
The second part of the series is no longer a port of the arcade hit, but a game released specifically for the Sega Megadrive. Ex, Tiris and Gilius again went on the warpath in order to return a magical artifact - the Golden Ax. The dwarf is the strongest in close combat, and the amazon can store a lot of magic. To choose how much magic to use, press "down" along with the A button. You can run and hit with a running start. There is a special attack - B+C. Pretty effective air strike. In the menu, you can put yourself more health.

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02 Jul 2022

An arcade pillar familiar to every Mega Drive veteran. The third dimension is missing, but the touching isometry somehow stretches the mighty body of the gameplay on its fragile shoulders.

Jungle Book, The

Jungle Book, The

03 Jul 2022

One of the most famous Sego games. Made based on the Disney cartoon and itself, by the way, is quite similar to the cartoon. Mowgli runs through the jungle, collecting fruits and diamonds, throwing bananas and other "weapons" at obnoxious monkeys and other fauna.



03 Jul 2022

A toy about the adventures of the Tasmanian devil Taz. He devours everything in a row, and this, oddly enough, helps him to successfully fight various enemies on the way. He is also able to spin like crazy (although why "how"?). The graphics are good.

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