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Dark Sorceress Heels (With Panties or No Panties)  

Upload: 29 Mar 2022, 13:42
Created by: GxREDx [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Dark Sorceress Heels (With Panties or No Panties)

Dark Sorceress Heels with various Deathbed Smalls color options, panties or no panties, as well as a cloth bandage or no cloth bandage.

I made this mod to coincide with my Skimpy Deathbed Dress mod, and for personal use. Finally learned how to import models with some help and tips from other modders.

This mod replaces the Old Aristocrat Shoes, as it is the only armor that has the right Mask flags in the regulation.bin by default for what I wanted to do. Otherwise I would have to provide a regulation.bin to show/hide the right body parts to have the models visible, and not being obscured by body parts.


(Required) Download and extract UXM
1. Unpack the game with UXM. Keep in mind this will increase the storage space the game takes up, which will be about 95.6 GB when Unpacking is done.

2. After Unpacking is done, click Patch so the eldenring.exe will use the unpacked files.

3. Go to the parts folder created by UXM where the eldenring.exe is and drop the .dcx file there. (Back up the original file in case you want to revert)

4. Launch the game OFFLINE with EasyAntiCheat disabled. You can use the provided Disable EAC file if you need it.

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