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To install the mod, you need to copy the files to the folder "C:\Users\{USER_NAME}\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\mods" or use the special FMM program (factorio mod manager). If a mod is missing from the requirements, please let us know in the comments.

Automatic Station Painter [0.18 - 1.1]  

Upload: 13 Mar 2023, 11:38
Created by: doktorstick [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Automatic Station Painter [0.18 - 1.1]

Automatic Station Painter updates the colors of train stations based on the color of the trains. It works best with Automatic Train Painter, though it isn't required.

The painting logic follows:

  • if the train arrives and leaves empty, it does not paint the station;
  • if the train is empty when it leaves the station, it uses the train's color from when it arrived;
  • otherwise it uses the train's color when it leaves the station.

The mod has a map setting--the color blend ratio--that allows you to control how quickly the station's color converges to that of the train.

Running Speed [1.1]

Running Speed [1.1]

12 Mar 2023
1 250

A small mod that creates three buttons to quickly change the current player's running speed. Useful for large bases or early game (e.g. when using Pyanodons mods).

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