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Seamless Body CBBE Rework  

Upload: 19 Jul 2023, 11:29
Created by: ViperVenom1977 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 2.5
Seamless Body CBBE Rework

After a rework and removing my skeleton that took me 3 weeks in 3DS Max 2017 due to other mod authors complaints, i still managed to make the CBBE body nearly seamless.
This is a rework of a previous upload.

Mod Details:
On a 4096 resolution 52 inch tv you tend to notice things after a while.

Everyone hates the neck and wrist seam issue out there.

I left Fallout 4 for a few years to make Resident Evil 2 mods requiring skeleton, mesh and outfit work.
Seamed monotinous after a while so i came back to Fallout.

First thing i noticed was the neck was off and the wrists didn't connect right compared to my RE2 work.

Recommend saving any CBBE textures to a safe place (always back up your current work)
Install manually or VIA Nexus Mod Manager, Mod Organizer or Vortex

Known Issues:
I noticed after a while that npc's back of the neck was discolored and didn't match.
I was using unique player and it was causing an issue between NPC's and player (odd)
FemaleHeadRear_D was throwing things off from a previous mod i tried.

After clean installation, removal of all CBBE textures i previously used and a lot of work in 3dsMax 2017, i got as seamless as possible.

Included is my bodyslide preset and Chignon face preset (not essential but can be used if someone feels so)

Requested Optional files:
As an optional modders resouce i added my CBBE for heels
( i took HN66 aproach and took the lesser of 2 evil and took 2 bodys and created one with no gap in the rear of the neck and no spiking behind the armpits)
Heels are not included, they are simply my edits to the platforms from "Zipsuit" mod and cannot use another authors resouce

Instructions for use:
In bodyslide, load reference CBBE body
Load outfit, keep other shapes
Load my body
Load outfit keep other shapes 
Load heels you wish to fit to my body
Fit heels
copy bone weights from CBBE outfit from my body
conform all sliders
delete CBBE reference
Save project as you want

To add your project to game simply replace another mods heels in FO4 Edit or create your own ESP

May conflict with Asian Face mod or other face mods due to i am using the vanilla FemaleHeadFaceBones
Any mod using same will conflict!!

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