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Jessie Topless v2.0.0  

Upload: 03 Apr 2023, 13:27
Created by: SweetFluff3D [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Jessie Topless v2.0.0

Single .pak file. Jessie without her torso armor.

HD Project Mod Compatible

2.0.0 Change Log:
-Added jiggle physics based off the motion of Jessie's bandana
-Remade mesh based off original geometry for better weight-painting and animation.
-Subdivided geometry for her skin, creating a smoother look
-Resolved issues with seams.
-Created new 4K textures for her skin.
-Also replaces Jessie's bandage and injured models, so the model works throughout the game in it's entirety now.

I've learned a lot about modding this game since version 1.5.0 of this mod, so I just remade everything from scratch.

How to Install:

Extract the .pak file and place it into 'Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade\End\Content\Paks\~mods' 
If you don't have a '~mods' folder, make a new folder and name it that.

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