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Hogwarts HUD Toggler  

Upload: 22 Feb 2023, 14:54
Created by: igromanru [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Hogwarts HUD Toggler

As someone who plays most games on Steam and captures their adventures in many screenshots, I found it very annoying that the game doesn't have a hotkey to toggle the entire HUD at once.
This is my first public mod, I don't have much knowledge of how most Unreal Engine mods are made, so it might not be compatible with some other mods with similar technique.
It is the first version and it has no debug logs or configuration files.
Please report issues and feedback in the comments.

Currently the mod has only one function, it turns the HUD off and on again with F9.

The Standalone version
1. Find the root path of the game.
For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\
2. Navigate deeper into the directory: \Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\
3. Put the xinput1_3.dll and HogwartsHudToggler.dll in here
4. Done. After that you can start the game, load your save file (or start a new game) and toggle the in-game HUD on by pressing F9

Alternative Installation
You can just use any public DLL Injector to inject the HogwartsHudToggler.dll into the game at any time.
This way it should be compatible with any other mod.

Remove xinput1_3.dll and HogwartsHudToggler.dll from the (game root)\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\ directory

The UE4SS version
Installation of the UE4SS version

1. Download the latest version of the UE4SS_Xinput zip
2. Open or extract the zip and move the xinput1_3.dllUE4SS-settings.ini and Mods\ folder to the directory \Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\
3. Download the Hogwarts HUD Toggler UE4SS version from Optional files
4. Extract/copy the whole "HogwartsHudToggler" folder from the downloaded zip into the "\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\Mods\" directory
Optional steps:
Open the UE4SS-settings.ini, search for "Cjаvascript-event-stripped " and replace 1 with 0 to disable the debug console

Uninstall the UE4SS versio
To uninstall only the mod: Remove the HogwartsHudToggler folder from the "\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\Mods\" directory
To uninstall UE4SS: Remove the xinput1_3.dllUE4SS-settings.ini and Mods\ folder from the directory \Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\

Dot Lock Target 2KB

Dot Lock Target

19 Feb 2023

This mod will remove the fx ring around both target lock AND zoom-in function, it is because in the game they share the same asset and you cannot have one without the other.

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