Traversal Music Replacer DIY Instructions
Traversal Mod DIY Instructions
1. Open my soundbank, your custom wems, and the game's original wems in a hex editor
2. Use the following information to replace up to 6 tracks total
Asset Name Asset ID Riff Header Offset Prefetched total offset
2523DC4F 623107151 557404 86B5 86B5
2A3132F1 707867377 282EC4 4627 4627
1875FEBD 410386109 38EEC4 9425 9425
1C88228D 478683789 431C94 8B6D 8B6D
21198813 555321363 4C96C4 8D98 8D98
30B6CC58 817286232 69D094 8812 8812
3. (optional) use wwiser to view the .bnk from my sorted files mod
4. (optional) look for hints regarding how to fix the bugs (I can't read xml I feel like I'm gonna die)
5. Save your soundbank AS another name in order to avoid future confusion
6. Use SMPCTool to replace the original wems and soundbank
7. Create your mod
8. Profit
Step 2 breakdown (for the laymen)
a. Copy the first 86B5 hex digits from your custom wem
b. Paste WRITE them (not just paste, paste write, as in overwrite) at 557404 in the soundbank
c. repeat as desired, moving down the rows
Thanks for downloading and all the kind words, this has been fun. Soon as we get some tools made and some more experiments done, we'll probably have a full sound editor.