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NSFWizard v1.65 (Dick Physics)  

Upload: 09 Jun 2023, 20:17
Created by: SimVader22
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
NSFWizard v1.65 (Dick Physics)

Hello everyone! I just finished the update for the NSFWizard mod. I added some new outfits, as well as physics for the genitals.
Companions can now wear skimpy outfits, or go around naked.

Place the Main Mod files in your ~mods folder, then choose your preferred add-ons and drop them along with the main files.

*If you previously installed the 1.1 version of the mod, remove those files manually, and overwrite if requested when copying the new files.

*For the Companions mod, you need to choose either nude or sexy outfits, these overwrite eachother to avoid conflicts. So if you want to switch just drop the version you want and overwrite as needed.

Known issues:
-The genitals freeze in place and stretch when loading the game or when changing outfits, to solve this just give it a shake 😛 a simple dodge, or a basic attack will put the physics simulation to work.
-Some clipping here and there, but overall it should work fine with most of the capes/robes.


Main Mod
Hairy Add-On
Companions Sexy
Companions Nude

Full Nude Mod (Beta 0.3) 5 MB

Full Nude Mod (Beta 0.3) NSFW

19 Feb 2023
50 048

The "Adults Only" mod is designed to completely nudity the female characters in Hogwarts Legacy. Maud removes underwear, undressing the main character and maintaining the detail of the whole body. The file replaces pajamas (standard underwear).

Curvy Champion Nude 5 MB

Curvy Champion Nude NSFW

21 Feb 2023
45 123

The new modification exposes the female character in Hogwarts Legacy and slightly enlarges the original body shapes. The mod replaces the original Champion outfit and other costume options with a naked body with an enlarged booty.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. S
    Sneaker [Guests]
    Today, 19:50

    Hi man! 
    First, i want say you - yours modification for Hogwarts Legacy witch naked male - AMAZING!!!! I love you, realy ))) You a my idol )
    Second i want ask you: do you can do mod like for Hogwarts Legacy for Kingdome Come Dileverance 2? Please, i'm beg you ^_^
    Its good game but in here not enough naked male body and great dick :D

  2. Stefan Gaitzsch
    Stefan Gaitzsch [Users]
    21 February 2025 18:26

    pls  update for the new version !!!

  3. K
    Kamiisss812 [Users]
    17 February 2025 02:57

    Can someone update this mod? I really want to play this game again but I need this mod to continue playing! :( Is there a program that will automatically update this mod? I don't know much about mods please someone help :( Damn it, the dev updates have ruined all the great mods in the game!!

  4. Moh K
    Moh K [Users]
    10 February 2025 10:01

    hi, how do you activate the mod? does it need the sql mod manager? 

  5. G
    Guest ben [Guests]
    6 February 2025 08:23

    Good luck, I hope there is a way

  6. G
    Gingy [Users]
    2 February 2025 18:47

    If anyone knows how to import the .pak, .ucas, and .utoc files into the new Hogwarts Legacy's Creator Kit (UE Editor), I would be down to try and get it working for the new update.
    This mod was one of the only motivators for me to replay this game hehe

    I'll check back here often to see if anyone has any tips.
    If I figure anything out as well, I'll post it here!

    Wands at the ready! 😏

  7. b
    bet [Guests]
    31 January 2025 04:38

    well with the update I had to remove the mod, any solution?

  8. P
    Pika_Overlord [Guests]
    10 January 2025 20:27

    Now that's what I call putting the HOG in HOGwarts 😏😏😏😁

  9. A
    AcetrainerJosh [Users]
    2 December 2024 20:25

    accidentally downloaded companions sexy and nude and now Sebastian is a white texture neck down. tried deleting both and relaunched but nothing has changed. then only redownloaded nude companions again and nothing changed again. I'm also using nexus launcher. 

    1. A
      AcetrainerJosh [Users]
      19 December 2024 13:20

      After deleting companion sexy in the vortex manager and its archive and uninstalling the game and reinstalling and reenabling the mods I had previously it fixed the texture for Sebastian. my characters skin didn't line up with the main mod but after installing a character edit mod switching the skin tone back and forth fixed it.  

  10. RebeLust
    RebeLust [Users]
    22 November 2024 05:39

    Is there any possibility of making a version for the females too?

    1. RebeLust
      RebeLust [Users]
      22 November 2024 05:40

      The female companions obviously.

  11. B
    BulldogGaz [Guests]
    9 April 2024 21:12

    great mod was quite surprised, of course me being a nudist I would find everyone being nude very appropriate that would be really cool, thanks for the great mod and all the work you put into it. the comment below is also worth a thought LOL 

    1. G
      Guest David [Guests]
      2 June 2024 15:11

      Hey, how did you get it to work? Is the nude body connected to any specific outfit, or is it the unequipped look? I'm trying to see if it works or not.

  12. K
    Kamiisss812 [Users]
    10 March 2024 18:57

    It looks great and works very well! Is there a version where the dick is erect?

    Quote: Kamiisss812

    Awesome work, thank you!

  13. o
    ondje [Users]
    4 February 2024 20:26

    Cant seem to get these to work since the game's last update, for some strange reason all my other mods work except these 

  14. B
    Bahima [Guests]
    18 January 2024 21:04

    Awesome work, thank you for making Hogwarts legacy even more interesting!

    Maybe I am not the only one, but are there plans for just a shirtless variation, e.g. Pants and shoes?

    Textures look just amazing!

  15. h
    hyp [Guests]
    15 January 2024 02:37

    Is it possible to have a version with just the nude body? I kinda want the option to wear the base game outfits rather than the skimpy ones.

  16. A
    AlexB [Guests]
    28 November 2023 00:36

    Love the body, but are there any plans to fix the skin mismatch with the head? Or is there a skin mod you are using that fixes the issue? The Paler Pale Skins (Alternate no.1) mod mentioned by Vex26 lessens it with the first few skin-tone choices but nothing else works in that mod or the original unmodded skin-tones in the game.

  17. B
    Befoxit [Users]
    6 November 2023 15:46

    Amazing mod, but i have an issue, my character has black legs, and the top, loos like the texture don´t load correctly.

  18. t
    titilarue [Users]
    8 October 2023 21:56

    You´re awesome! Made my game more enjoyable! 

  19. C
    Carmel [Guests]
    27 August 2023 23:37

    Great job on this one. I have some questions, hope someone see and can awnser. I see that we start with underwear and the dev says that there are more outfits, where can I find it? And is it difficult to resize it a little bit? I'd like it to be smaller.

  20. s
    sulany12 [Users]
    27 July 2023 21:35

    The mod works, but the genitals are streched out.

    Do i miss something?

    1. Sunghwan
      Sunghwan [Users]
      30 July 2023 19:31

      use basic attack or dodge

    2. B
      BroManDudeGuy095 [Guests]
      12 October 2023 12:22

      Holy sht that's fkn funny oh my god ha! Fkn Pinocchio dick lmao!

    3. G
      Guest David [Guests]
      2 June 2024 21:42

      Hey, is the nude body the unequiped look or a certain set? I can't seem to get it work? My computer downloaded it as an internet explorer file.

      Hey, is the nude body replacing a certain outfit or does it require anything to work? I've tried putting all my clothes on unequiped and I'm still wearing the white body underwear. 

  21. g
    gaymerwales [Guests]
    15 July 2023 23:27

    waiting on a hard version now with the physics 😈

  22. V
    Vex26 [Guests]
    8 July 2023 07:44

    For everyone wrestling with the skin mismatch, I trial and errored my way to figuring out what must have been the author's own skin mod.  When I installed Paler Pale Skins (Alternate no.1) from the Nexus, the body and face's colors magically aligned.  Hope it works for not just me!

    1. J
      Juggomegas [Users]
      20 July 2023 04:27

      Yeah I tried that. It doesn't work for me. It may work for a player character of one pale skintone, but it doesn't work for any player character of color. The head and body tones are all mismatched. 

      I even tried the darker dark version.

  23. J
    Juggomegas [Users]
    6 July 2023 12:00

    I love the mod, but it isn't compatible with all the different skin tones. I find that it only really works with one shade of a tan skin tone, while every other hue the head and body colors are mismatched. Would be awesome if that can be fixed because I would love to use this mod for more than one race of character.

  24. S
    Shenvall [Users]
    3 July 2023 07:19

    Great work. This mod works very well, and looks more realistic than some others by far, especially since it moves with physics. I'm curious if there's a circumcised version in the works. 

    1. G
      Guest David [Guests]
      3 June 2024 00:37

      Hey, can you please tell me if it's just the uneqipped look or a certain set that changes.

  25. R
    Ravanac [Guests]
    2 July 2023 21:21

    This is like the best nude male mod in all modding history. One question; my character's body and face skin colors don't match. Is that normal or am I missing something?

  26. y
    yapi75 [Guests]
    10 June 2023 12:22

    Awesome work 😍 Finally I can have Sebastian nude in my game ! Who is the original modder so I can follow them and endorse their work ?

    1. Sunghwan
      Sunghwan [Users]
      10 June 2023 15:59

      i think is the same awesome modder of nude Cal and spidey nude

      1. Sunghwan
        Sunghwan [Users]
        10 June 2023 16:01


        1. y
          yapi75 [Guests]
          10 June 2023 16:17

          Thank you for your reply. Do you thnik it's MaxVeers23 ? If so I will buy him a coffe on Ko-fi 😊

          1. Sunghwan
            Sunghwan [Users]
            14 June 2023 15:05

            yes! cuz i saw some same outfits of nude Cal~

      2. A
        AlexB [Guests]
        5 December 2023 17:51

        This is an excellent and enjoyable mod but I don't think it is MaxVeers23's work. I don't think he'd leave it unfinished with the skintones issue. However, I love that the creator of this mod has also added additional costumes and not just left nude. It is very similar in body shape and quality texturing though so it could be based upon MaxVeer23's work or this could be another talented male body creator. I can look past the skintone issue because I prefer lighter toned characters anyway and found a great match using one of the first few choices in The Paler Pale Skins (Alternate no.1) mod so it doesn't bother me. I would have preferred a little more tan, but *shrug* I'd much rather have it as is than not at all.

    2. _
      ___EMMA___ [Users]
      7 January 2024 13:12

      how does the nude companions mod work? I cant get it to work when I put it in the paks->mods folder. Tnx

  27. Sunghwan
    Sunghwan [Users]
    10 June 2023 03:27

    MASTERPIECE as always!!!