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Foot Fetish Portraits  

Upload: 30 Mar 2023, 18:00
Created by: Ricky Booby
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Foot Fetish Portraits

- Two options, Room of requirement only, or full castle
- Full version has over 60 different animations scattered through castle
- Should also work on lower end PCs that use low graphic settings
- Simply replace files in Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Movies\Atlas


Room of Requirement Only [47MB]
Full Castle [389.26MB]

Curvy Champion Nude 5 MB

Curvy Champion Nude NSFW

21 Feb 2023
31 720

The new modification exposes the female character in Hogwarts Legacy and slightly enlarges the original body shapes. The mod replaces the original Champion outfit and other costume options with a naked body with an enlarged booty.

Erotic Paintings mod 362.08MB

Erotic Paintings mod NSFW

27 Feb 2023
13 929

Only paintings in RoR. They do show up in places throughout castle. Most none nude, doing erotic stuff. If you a booty lover, you will like this one. Gifs are well made, they have smooth seamless transitions. As best as I could.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. smalltownwickedclown
    smalltownwickedclown [Users]
    9 March 2024 21:57

    top 5 one of the best mods so far.

  2. Jandir
    Jandir [Guests]
    9 May 2023 21:27

    Best mod I have installed.  Very immersive.  Makes me want to keep playing.

    1. kakabycha
      kakabycha [Users]
      11 May 2023 12:23

      Lord save this broken soul.....