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Change your character to Poppy  

Upload: 02 Jun 2023, 13:46
Created by: ICrushOnPoppy
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Change your character to Poppy

Compiled some mods I downloaded from nexus mods for easy to use, this zip file contains the hair, face textures and face shape of Poppy, use the nude mod to get realistic proportions.


The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. Jameson
    Jameson [Guests]
    1 February 2024 21:25

    Any way to apply the nude mod to NPC Poppy instead of MC Poppy?

  2. Cyberdev
    Cyberdev [Guests]
    4 September 2023 01:55

    How do I get it working it's.not showing.up in the game?

  3. AkimboDK
    AkimboDK [Users]
    7 June 2023 18:39

    What a cute girl, almost a grown up xD.. hey if shes 16, its fine xD, atleast in my country cus thats totally legal here XDDD