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Nude Garlick with Realistic Proportions V7  

Upload: 11 Mar 2023, 18:45
Last updated: 15-04-2023, 16:02
Created by: Ricky Booby
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Nude Garlick with Realistic Proportions V7

Major rework V7
-High resolution 4k texture
-Further fixed/edited the body model
-Fixed the spikey hair bug/hair physics
-Fixed nipple texture (deform still happens)
-Green toenail polish
-Pubic hair option is the correct color and resolution

Nude Garlick Verison 6
-Fixed the thigh seams finally
-Improved the legs model a bit
-Fixed the feet and fused toes (kinda)
This should be the final definitive version. 

Nude Garlick V5
-Greatly improved butt, thighs, and general body model. 
-No more cottage cheese butt
-Choice of normal/oily skin and shaved or pubic hair. 

Nude Garlick V4
-Now has an Oily skin option which can be shaved or pubed

(If you don't care about Oily skin then V3 will be the same)

Download Nude Garlick with Realistic Proportions V5
Download Nude Garlick with Realistic Proportions V6 
Download Nude Garlick with Realistic Proportions V7 (NEW)

Full Nude Mod (Beta 0.3) 5 MB

Full Nude Mod (Beta 0.3) NSFW

19 Feb 2023
51 417

The "Adults Only" mod is designed to completely nudity the female characters in Hogwarts Legacy. Maud removes underwear, undressing the main character and maintaining the detail of the whole body. The file replaces pajamas (standard underwear).

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. j
    jonounlimited [Users]
    8 February 2025 00:54

    Game Developer Patch Notes Update
    Due to changes to both data serialization and upgrades to our Raytracing features in the Hogwarts Legacy engine, level code changes were made that may break "Visual" 3rd Party MODs made before the Raytracing and MODs patch. Visual Mods meaning any MOD that changes the character's appearance in some way/involves animation, i.e. appearance, clothing, wands, brooms, facial presets, and mounts may be impacted. If you are using any of these Visual MODs, it may cause crashes to your game. We recommend removing these 3rd party Visual MODs in all locally installed MOD folders. Then verifying or reinstalling the game. The MODs folder will typically be name ~mods

  2. l
    luckyshoot001 [Users]
    24 August 2024 17:50


    This mod no longer works. Please update.

  3. m
    mme [Guests]
    30 December 2023 08:14

    how do i change to oily?

  4. R
    Ricky Booby [Guests]
    18 March 2023 20:53

    Mod creator here. Please update this to the latest version.

    Nude Garlick V5
    -Greatly improved butt, thighs, and general body model. 
    -No more cottage cheese butt

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      19 March 2023 06:55

      Welcome and thank you!

  5. s
    shreqmaster [Guests]
    18 March 2023 01:03

    This is amazing, thank you. Could anyone please send me a link to the modding discord?

  6. N
    Nimarus [Users]
    14 March 2023 12:37

    Nice, but now her face doesn't move during cutscenes. Lord Giveth, Lord Taketh Away.

    Quote: Nimarus

    Nice, but now her face doesn't move during cutscenes. Lord Giveth, Lord Taketh Away.

    Update: The Mod Creator, Ricky Booby, fixed this in an update to this mod. The most listed here is out of date. The up-to-date version can be found on Azkaban Modding's Discord.

  7. M
    Mike [Guests]
    12 March 2023 06:28

    Nice. Thanks. Regarding the light color body, hey, they're always covered up, except for head. I can envision this as fine.

    1. E
      Entropy [Guests]
      14 March 2023 02:19

      her neck and hands would still be tanned

  8. M
    Me [Guests]
    11 March 2023 19:16

    face has complete different color to body???

    1. M
      Me [Guests]
      12 March 2023 05:52

      Make your own mod???

      1. M
        Me [Guests]
        12 March 2023 13:36

        truth hurts i know