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Primrose BodyMod [NSFW] v2.0  

Upload: 10 Mar 2023, 12:38
Last updated: 14-03-2023, 19:49
Created by: BARON
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Primrose BodyMod [NSFW] v2.0

Installation Same as most other mods. Simply copy contents from "~mods" folder and place them in "...\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks~mods" Usage Instructions

Changes/Fixes from last update
- Added Starbucks Apron configuration
- Fixed a major bug relating to overlapping hand model
- Added Nail Polish


Version 1.0
Version 1.5
Version 2.0

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. ilikekids32
    ilikekids32 [Guests]
    3 February 2025 23:30

    hella love how the character are kids

  2. Ahol8819
    Ahol8819 [Users]
    4 September 2024 08:14

    Uniform seems to crash the game. Only orks with Lingerie and Starbucks option.

  3. Weirdo
    Weirdo [Guests]
    5 February 2024 11:03

    I keep crashing off launch when this mod is in

  4. Tera
    Tera [Guests]
    26 March 2023 18:50

    Would it be possible to have this body type modded on all the female npcs?

  5. LuvaLuva
    LuvaLuva [Guests]
    17 March 2023 22:26

    Dark complexion is missing in every mod and version of them. thumbs down for that 👎

  6. player
    player [Guests]
    15 March 2023 15:14

    This body gives me succubus vibes, if you know what I mean :)

  7. Raynare
    Raynare [Users]
    13 March 2023 22:52

    Can we get a version with slimmer legs? XD

  8. George
    George [Guests]
    13 March 2023 02:37

    This is perfect.
    But can you make it a little slimmer?

  9. c:
    c: [Guests]
    11 March 2023 19:09

    In v 1.5 the hands disappear in some outfits

  10. Anonymous
    Anonymous [Guests]
    10 March 2023 22:49

    Way to many mods asking you to be pal skin. It's not a race thing.. it's a.. i made my character already thing lol

    1. Raidtron
      Raidtron [Users]
      14 March 2023 08:45

      you can use this mod to change your characters appearance mid game

  11. eow
    eow [Guests]
    10 March 2023 19:34

    manga style does not fit to the game at all

  12. Anonymous
    Anonymous [Guests]
    10 March 2023 18:02

    Way too many mods using the dark arts outfit.

    1. Anonymous
      Anonymous [Guests]
      17 March 2023 00:05

      Agreed.  There's dozens of vanilla outfits to use and most of the cosmetic mods are using the same one.

  13. CunhaK9
    CunhaK9 [Guests]
    10 March 2023 17:58

    something wrong with the ass, its to flat for the hips.

    1. SofiaPavlovna
      SofiaPavlovna [Users]
      10 March 2023 19:35

      Yeah, I'm agree.