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Full Nude Mod (Beta 0.3)  

Upload: 19 Feb 2023, 12:38
Created by: jmedia7
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Full Nude Mod (Beta 0.3)

The "Adults Only" mod is designed to completely nudity the female characters in Hogwarts Legacy. Maud removes underwear, undressing the main character and maintaining the detail of the whole body. The file replaces pajamas (standard underwear).

Installation: Unzip the archive to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\.

Nude_M_V3 Updated: 2-03-2023, 09:11 117.19MB

Nude_M_V3 NSFW

27 Feb 2023
44 348

This mod makes turns the SWIMSUIT SET into a nude body! Sadly, it has no hands yet so please use gloves!. It has a mini version of fig’s amulet to hide the neck mess but it can be easily hidden away with scarfs if you hate it.

Curvy Champion Nude 5 MB

Curvy Champion Nude NSFW

21 Feb 2023
45 271

The new modification exposes the female character in Hogwarts Legacy and slightly enlarges the original body shapes. The mod replaces the original Champion outfit and other costume options with a naked body with an enlarged booty.

Adventurer Crop Top + Skirt 4.15MB

Adventurer Crop Top + Skirt NSFW

25 Feb 2023
43 258

Mod that replaces all three variants of Adventurer clothes. It doesn't work with cloak or produces many clipping. They may be some clipping while running or using stair I will fix later

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. A
    Andrea [Guests]
    2 February 2025 21:35

    please update your mod 

    the mod is broken with the latest hogwarts legacy update so if you could update it so it works i would be very happy

  2. m
    mickey090 [Users]
    1 February 2025 03:41

    crashing to desktop on game launch

  3. a
    alexandros [Guests]
    17 November 2023 16:16


  4. k
    k3soft [Users]
    26 February 2023 15:40

    not work for me

  5. u
    user [Guests]
    26 February 2023 00:33

    mine does not work

  6. D
    Daemon [Guests]
    25 February 2023 22:06

    I seem to be getting grey clipping around the legs. Does this conflict with any clothing or makeup mods.

    1. W
      WEstoros [Guests]
      6 March 2023 16:26

      Did you ever find a fix for this?

  7. s
    sulivan [Guests]
    25 February 2023 02:47

    jour il y a du blanc le long de ses jambes 😢

  8. M
    Mary [Guests]
    25 February 2023 01:17

    Could you please make Nude mod for Males also? :)

  9. R
    Rares [Guests]
    24 February 2023 19:51

    The game crashes after the disclaimer with the mod installed even though it works fine without it. Any solutions?

  10. M
    Mara [Guests]
    20 February 2023 00:30

    I tried instlling it aalong the path you said, and extracted the files to the folder you specified, however, the mod is still not working. Any pointers?

  11. K
    KinaraMei [Guests]
    19 February 2023 20:09

    My character seems to have arm issues...

    1. K
      KinaraMei [Guests]
      19 February 2023 20:32

      nvm ignore me, didn't realise I NEEDED the gloves, all good now <3

  12. L
    Loki [Guests]
    19 February 2023 17:47

    Are you planing to make a version for darker skin tones?