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Edge of Time (Black Suit)  

Upload: 24 Aug 2022, 10:43
Created by: Chase [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edge of Time (Black Suit)

This mod brings the black suit from Spider-Man: Edge of Time to Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered.

None of Spider-Man's alternate costumes come close to matching the power (and popularity!) of his alien-symbiote look, which originated from an off-world battle that later came to be known as the Secret Wars. This mod introduces Spider-Man's iconic black suit to Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, inspired by the design and look it had been given in Spider-Man: Edge of Time. 

(This mod replicates the cloth-like texture present within the design for the black suit alternate skin in Spider-Man: Edge of Time. It is not meant to look like the alien symbiote, as it is supposed to be a regular black costume Peter had crafted himself. A more cloth-like texture, less shine and regular white webs are present in order to indicate and properly translate that stylistic choice.)



06 Sep 2022

Because the Predator is is sore need of another 3rd person game i decide to put him in the game. This is an initial test. Updates will follow, as will other Predators

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