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Ultimate Immersion Modern Archviz Mod V5.0 + ExperiArch V0.5 - X256, X512 And X1024 (Forge 1.19.2) 

Upload: 22 May 2023, 18:54
Created by: ultimateimmersion [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ultimate Immersion Modern Archviz Mod V5.0 + ExperiArch V0.5 - X256, X512 And X1024 (Forge 1.19.2)

x256, x512 and x1024 resolution textures designed for Minecraft shaders for beautiful and optimized gameplay.

Ultimate Immersion Modern Archviz v5.0 changelog:

  • Improved Road Sideblock models and created on right-click type variation change (Single, Double, Corner Inner, Corner Outer)
  • Improved Road Tarmac, Road Line, Road Bikelane, Road Crosswalk Vertical, Road Crosswalk Horizontal blocks (they now have concrete base which makes them compatible for building hanging bridges/highways) 

ExperiArch v0.5 changelog:

  • Added 5 Sidewalk Curved Concrete blocks which can be changed on Right-Click
  • Added 5 Sideblock Curved blocks which can be changed on Right-Click
  • Added Road Slope (12.5%) consisting of 8 blocks to raise for 1 block over 8 block distance (full stack can be placed with a single click)
  • Added Road Slope Line (12.5%) consisting of 8 blocks to raise for 1 block over 8 block distance (full stack can be placed with a single click)
  • Added Road Slope Dashed Line (12.5%) consisting of 8 blocks to raise for 1 block over 8 block distance (full stack can be placed with a single click)
  • Added Road Slope Edge (12.5%) consisting of 8 blocks to raise for 1 block over 8 block distance (full stack can be placed with a single click and can detect Left or Right Edge position based on the placement position)
  • Added Road Edge (for straight Highway/Bridge; can detect Left or Right Edge position based on the placement position)
  • Added Highway/Bridge Concrete Pillar

This is a long and ambitious project containing images that I created from scratch. I take different material photos which I then edit to make them seamless and create additional PBR maps ( Physically-Based Rendering ) to add extra shine and bumpyness to them.

My texture pack is working best with latest Ray Tracing SEUS shader by Sonic Ether Be sure to allocate more RAM for the pack & mod. Optimally 10G.

MOD REQUIRES FORGE or FABRIC! Download the same Forge and mod version for your Minecraft version. See my complete installation tutorial! (Fabric installation not yet covered)

For best visual results use HRR 2.1 or HRR 3. Make sure you put Geometry Ray Tracing to 0 in HRR shader settings to remove black shadows!

This project is still WIP but it's great for creative mode even now (not suitable for survival yet). But I'm constantly working on new materials which will be added with updates and even higher quality later.

Make sure you turn 'Smooth Lighting' OFF.
Make sure 'Connected Textures' are set to Fast.

For 1.19.2 make sure you download Forge 43.1.7 not latest!



Shader path: .minecraft/shaderpacks/SEUS PTGI (or HRR)

(note that only future versions of SEUS shaders will produce more accurate illumination at night like E13)

Download mods here - (REQUIRES RESOURCE PACK)
Download x256, x512 & x1024 textures here
Download Emissive files for lights here (requires SEUS PTGI or HRR)
Download my demo maps here
Fabric API - 1.19.2 1.64 MB

Fabric API - 1.19.2

27 Sep 2022
1 872

Fabric API is the core library for the most common hooks and inter-compatibility measures utilized by mods using the Fabric toolchain.

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  1. T
    Tdtasnn [Guests]
    13 November 2024 12:07

    pls add Modern Archviz 1.19.2 mod pls