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Project Rebuild - Player Character Models  

Upload: 14 Apr 2023, 12:11
Created by: Link4565 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Project Rebuild - Player Character Models

Installation instructions at the bottom

When Square Enix created the Definitive Edition of the game for Nintendo Switch, they reduced the quality of the game's models and textures, such that the game would be playable on the console. However, when porting the Definitive Edition back to PC, they did not restore the high quality assets from the original game, causing the game to be visually inferior to the original, but with extra content. Project Rebuild is a joint effort within the DQXIS modding community to restore much of the detail lost in the Definitive Edition.

Due to the vast quantity of work required to complete Project Rebuild, it is being attempted in small chunks that will each provide a meaningful improvement to the game as a whole. Version 0.0.1 of this mod alone took over 2 months to develop!
This mod restores all of the player character models from the original game (Hero, Erik, Veronica, Serena, Sylvando, Jade, Rab and 'Character 8') along with all their costumes. All costumes added in the Definitive Edition are still present, as before. Where Definitive Edition costumes are purely texture replacements on existing models, the textures used are taken from mike9k1's Definitive Edition Costumes Pack for the original game (
Each of the player character models was extracted from the original game, modified to remove unnecessary outline geometry, then cooked in UE4.18. Textures were extracted and cooked in UE4.18. Materials from the Definitive Edition were modified to replace textures, and altered to create new materials to replace those that had been removed.

DQXI Modding Discord:

Tools used:

  • QuickBMS by Luigi Auriemma (
  • QuickBMS unpack scripts by spiritovod
  • UModel by Gildor (
  • Uasset Renamer by FluffyQuack (
  • Texture Cook Fix by mike9k1  (See DQXI Modding Discord)
  • DQXIS-SDK by emoose (
  • Pack script by spiritovod (See Discord)
  • Unreal Engine 4.18

Assets Used:

  • Original Game Files from my copy of DRAGON QUEST® XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age™ - Digital Edition of Light (Steam)
  • Definitive Edition Costumes Pack by mike9k1 (
  • Remade Definitive Edition Costumes by piroshki
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