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Golden Weapon v1.2  

Upload: 27 Mar 2023, 17:43
Created by: qlskefir1337 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.2
Golden Weapon v1.2

The mod adds gold skins for some weapons and for the glove. This is definitely not paid DLC

INSTALLATION:1. Move the mod to the game folder in the path: «\AtomicHeart\Content\Paks~Mods» (if this folder does not exist, you need to create)2. Run the game

Atomic FX 13KB

Atomic FX

27 Feb 2023

A graphics mod based on the resources of the game engine solely. Screen Space Global Illumination with the 32 ray counts has been enabled.

THICC sisters v0.99 5.6MB

THICC sisters v0.99

27 Mar 2023
1 734

It is what it is. They're a bit curvier. The jacket has some slight clipping issues. I had this weird issue with missing feet but it worked fine on another computer. I release this as it is and if you have the same issue, I really don't know what's causing it.

Graphic tweaks 3KB

Graphic tweaks

04 Mar 2023
1 082

Some options that u can use in game engine to configure graphic. Fixing faded picture. Disable tonemapping. Color rebalance.

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