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Company of WASD v1.0  

Upload: 16 Aug 2023, 16:57
Created by: Robert-K [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Company of WASD v1.0

WASD to move the camera, Q & E to rotate it. Simply run the executable.

Put it in startup if you like, it only acts when the game is focused.

AutoHotkey is not required to run the executable!

How does it work?
While the game is in focus, CoWASD will remap the WASD keys to the arrow keys. Q and E will rotate the camera while pressed.

As the game originally mapped some actions to WASDQE, CoWASD also remaps the following keys:

r => e
t => r
g => a
b => s
n => d
m => w

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16 Aug 2023

Escalation is an overhaul of the balance and lethality of Company of Heroes. It features an increase in squad sizes and a slower pace of the game. It adds numerous upgrades to make infantry more powerful during late game.

COH_Reskin V1.0 58.4MB

COH_Reskin V1.0

16 Aug 2023

COHR is a graphical enhancement for COH. It changes Units, portraits, abilities icons and command tree appearance. Skin for Vehicles have also been added. Most are from Gnigruh, one unknow, remaining by myself. Mod is no more than 60 meg weight (0.06 Go), in two files.

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