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Upload: 16 Aug 2023, 20:48
Created by: Batyan [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Escalation is an overhaul of the balance and lethality of Company of Heroes.

It features an increase in squad sizes and a slower pace of the game. It adds numerous upgrades to make infantry more powerful during late game.
Most units will die with one or two hits, to compensate, most weapons are less accurate than in the base game.

Vehicles will follow the same rules and penetration of armor will either be a hit (full damage) or a miss (no penetration means no damage).

Concerning abilities, most off map abilities (reinforcements or artillery) will have longer cooldown to prevent spam of either type.

The mod also encourages the use of infantry, by making vehicles relatively more expensive and increasing population cap.

The mod uses the base game assets so the look will be familiar and at the moment Tales of Valor reward units are not implemented (though it should be fine to leave them active).

## Requirements

The mod requires a valid copy of Company of Heroes, the steam relaunch version.
Other versions are not supported and may or may not work.

The game is recommenced to play with the English or French version of the game, other versions might not work or will have missing text.

## Updating

If you had a previous version of the mod installed, you will need to remove the existing Escalation.module file and Escalation folder from your company of Heroes folder. Once it is done you can install the mod as normal.

## Installation

Extract the content of the archive inside your Company of Heroes folder, by default it should be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch

The Company of Heroes Relaunch folder is the new release for Company of Heroes on steam, if you have a Company of Heroes folder it probably is the old version.

In order to launch the mod on steam, you need to add a command by right clicking on the game, selecting the Properties... option, and in the General category, in Launch Options add the following command:
-dev -mod Escalation

You may add other commands if you desire, like the -nomovies to skip the introduction.

After that launching the mod on steam will launch the modded version of the game. If you want to play without the mod simply remove the command.

In the main menu you should see in the bottom left corner of the screen written Escalate in white. And during gameplay, the increased squad size will be obvious whether the mod works.

## Credits

Pre release beta testers:

* Kiwi
* CyberFoxar

## Change log

### Change log important notice


      Prefixes for patch note entry
         - represents an implemented change
         * represents an implemented but not properly tested change (only in beta version)
         + represents a change that is not yet applied but will be present in the released version (only in beta version)

   Change descriptions

      When possible changes will be precised with (oldvalue -> newvalue)
      Some changes implement multiple value changes and will be simplified (e.g. accuracy on weapons)

COH_Reskin V1.0 58.4MB

COH_Reskin V1.0

16 Aug 2023

COHR is a graphical enhancement for COH. It changes Units, portraits, abilities icons and command tree appearance. Skin for Vehicles have also been added. Most are from Gnigruh, one unknow, remaining by myself. Mod is no more than 60 meg weight (0.06 Go), in two files.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.