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[HS1] Mia Winters - Resident Evil 7 

Upload: 17 Nov 2023, 13:25
Created by: 73lac7c
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[HS1] Mia Winters - Resident Evil 7

The mod has working blush and tears, so I don't think that I overlooked or missed anything. Like all head mods, you must load the character card provided first before making any sort of edits since it contains custom placement values for the eyes and facial meshes. 

HS Image Based Lighting (IBL) v5.1.0

HS Image Based Lighting (IBL) v5.1.0

17 Nov 2023

Same as LRE, this is not my plugin to begin with, I am simply the person maintaining it (and improving it) these days. Basically, this plugin is a way to control more precisely the screen effects of HS, load cool skyboxes, have nice reflection and all.

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