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HSStandard v1.0.2  

Upload: 17 Nov 2023, 18:35
Created by: joan6694 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
HSStandard v1.0.2

This is a shader replacement plugin, it aims to replace the PBRsp_* family by an adapted version of the Unity Standard shader.

"Why the hell did you do this?"
The vanilla HS shaders are cool but contain bugs and some are just plain weird. The objective here was to make the game more consistent with the use of the Standard shader as much as possible. Also, it adds more features for those who are dedicated to make their game look better.

Pros and cons (and also a list of features)


  • Amazing new hair shader with anisotropic reflections! Really, it's super cool guys.
    • A more consistent look for your game. This means that items, clothes and character will react better with their environment.
    • Two colors shader (PBRsp_3layers) shadow bug fixed!
    • More objects will reflect correctly cubemaps if you're using LRE and IBL.
    • A different specular algorithm. If you like making your waifu's skin super shiny, you will probably like that.
    • If you don't want a certain type of object to be changed, you can configure that in modprefs.ini, there is a bunch of useful settings there.
      • Hair = hair (duh).
      • Skin = body and face skin.
      • BodyStuff = eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic hair...
      • Clothes = global setting for clothes.
      • SingleColorClothes = clothes that are only single color (ignored if Clothes is set to 0).
      • TwoColorClothes = clothes that are only two colors (ignored if Clothes is set to 0).
      • Other = the rest (items, effects...).
      • SingleColorOther = everything else that is only single color (ignored if Other is set to 0).
      • TwoColorOther = everything else that is two colors (ignored if Other is set to 0).
      • FixHairDOF = can potentially fix the Depth of Field not affecting the hair. This feature is quite experimental so it's disabled by default.
      • DedicatedHairShader = uses the dedicated shader that has nice anisotropic reflections. Disabling this makes the hair use a more traditional shader (leave it enabled, it's good).
      • DedicatedSkinShader = uses the dedicated shader that has SSS (SubSurface Scattering). If you want this to work, you need compatible skins (aka skins that have a "Thickness" map in the alpha channel of their Albedo texture where Opaque = thick and Transparent = thin).
    • Some objects just look better.
    • It also looks great even if you don't have LRE.


  • Some objects just look worse. Why? Because they weren't configured correctly to begin with, and no I cannot fix that. However, if I can't fix something in the plugin itself, there is a good chance it can be repaired by changing the mod via SB3U.
  • Doesn't work very well with the current Wet skintex. Unfortunately, this is not something that can only be fixed by changing the skintex itself (or making a brand new one).
  • This can be considered a graphic enhancement mod, and since it changes the skin and the hair, you'll have to adjust them on your characters.

Again, this kind of mod is very subjective, so if you don't like what it does to your game, uninstall it, don't just keep it because "Joan did that, I must have it".


  • Illusion Plugin Architecture
  • A fully updated game with the latest patch (6/30 patch, under "Game Updates"). This is not necessary if you're using the Fakku version with the Extended DLC.
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