Tess Original Skin Adjust
移除了风衣 裤子和胸口的布料减少 缩短了裙子
replace Tess original skin, make skirt and pants shorter, remove some obstacles, expose more chest.
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移除了风衣 裤子和胸口的布料减少 缩短了裙子
replace Tess original skin, make skirt and pants shorter, remove some obstacles, expose more chest.
重组身躯,贴合原始身体 提升肤色以接近原始肤色(取代默认皮肤) Enhance skin tone to approach original skin tone(Replace default skin)
Katya's backless sweater set.which is supported by yeyunting0615. He generously shared it.Skin1 is a version that does not expose the chest.
把黛絲時裝脫衣服造型 更改為 平常樣子 3/14 新增了 有絲襪的版本
5*Fritia NO.3 skin, expose belly, make pants to leotard, remove one of the skirt, add breast physic, slightly adjust shape.