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Installing mods: …Snow\data\ game\game\Content\Paks\~Mods

Marian 5 Rose (4 Variants)  

Upload: 18 Jul 2024, 13:27
Created by: simperson25 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Marian 5 Rose (4 Variants)

Marian's new skin Rose is here with a full high poly body replacement with exact proportions and a 2k texture! Yes, those are her nipples in the center of the flowers ;)
I'm going to try to do a quick dorm mod with this same body for a matching set, then I'm getting to work on the new Fenny.

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Place which pak file you want in ~mods folder
ONLY 1 mod. If you try to use multiple it will break.

WildHunt Street Code Adjust 20.8MB

WildHunt Street Code Adjust

02 Apr 2024
1 226

WildHunt street code adjust. I find that Seasun will adjust it when I make this mod, so I decide not to adjust more thing before update. short the pants and slightly bigger butt to make it close to PV. add pink string, adjust belly, improve breast physics.

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