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Better Cyber Space Stage Names  

Upload: 27 Nov 2022, 19:15
Created by: GeekCritique [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Better Cyber Space Stage Names

Adds names to all Cyber Space stages. For levels based on earlier games, that name is used. For Frontiers' original stages, the name of its song from the official soundtrack is used. A few Cyber Space levels pull from the same original source by splitting up its 2D and 3D sections, and when that happens that's denoted as well.

The UI in the overworld isn't sized to handle anything bigger than numbers, so that looks wonky, but it works fine on the map and within the Arcade Mode menu.

This won't be compatible with any mods that change the Cyber Space missions (for instance, the ones that make the S-ranks harder/easier), since it edits the same script file. However, the makers of those mods can feel free to copy this one if they'd like.

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