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GTA Radio Pins Badges  

Upload: 30 Jul 2022, 07:16
Created by: Piro [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
GTA Radio Pins Badges

Replaces all badges with radio stations from Grand Theft Auto V

Outsider Badge - SPACE 103.2
Plant Badge - Los Santos Rock Radio
Music Badge - West Coast Classics
Police Badge - Radio Mirror Park
Neco Badge - The Low Down 91.1

And as a bonus:
Cat Badge - Belly-Up Fish & Seafood Processing Plant

With future updates I might add radio stations from other GTA games (starting with Vice City). I'm also working on pins from other games (fallout, witcher, cyberpunk etc)

>: Installation 
- Download the mod, extract the zip file
- Place .PAK files in your game's directory: Stray\Hk_project\Content\Paks

Stray Mod Loader 0.9.1

Stray Mod Loader 0.9.1

31 Jul 2022

Loads Blueprint mods in Stray without requiring a DLL hook. Can load a user defined list of logic mods, meant to alleviate the problem of logic mods overwriting each other.

Sphynx Cat 5.5MB

Sphynx Cat

31 Jul 2022

replace the cat with a sphynx texture and removes the hair. Big thanks to NorskPL for the hairless material file!

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