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Auto-Sort v1.4  

Upload: 31 Aug 2022, 15:56
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

This is a mod to control/replace the way sorting is done in-game.

  • Sort order is changed to follow the order defined in Auto-Sort.json. (Assuming the file doesn't exist in the first place.) (See Configuration)
  • The online storage tab is auto-sorted by the same rules. (This is a virtual / aggregate view of the inventories you have. This doesn't change or move the actual items, just the display order.)
  • Player inventory "Stack" button rearranges items, compressing/restacking and ordering by the sort rules.
  • Online storage "Stack" rearranges items, compressing/restacking all the inventories connected to online storage. (Again, ordering by the sort rules.)
    • This also prioritizes storage containers over the drill storage, and fills the drill storage last, if there's not enough room in regular storage.
  • Repair Packs are further sorted so the most damage one is listed first. This is because the game uses the first entry in your inventory when repairing.


  • The first time Volcanoids is run with this mod installed, it will create a file called Auto-Sort.json in %LOCALAPPDATA%Low\Volcanoid\Volcanoids\Mods.
  • This file is a simple list of the items we resort, in the order they will sort in-game.
  • The list entries contain both the assetId & a name. The name is for reference only. Re-arrange as needed.
  • Use to validate edits made to the file.
  • If the syntax is wrong, or there's any issue loading the file, it will be ignored and a new default one will be created.

To customize the sort order, just rearrange the items in the list.



31 Aug 2022

This is a mod to configure a few various things in-game.

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