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More DrillShips Mod  

Upload: 31 Aug 2022, 22:05
Created by: tornadobug3 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
More DrillShips Mod

this adds the new T5 and T6 drillship's to the game. There will be updates! :)
it would be great if you subscribed to my yt, it helps me make more mods.
theres a link in on the mod page

Starter Drillship - Lava

Starter Drillship - Lava

01 Sep 2022

The paint job design is applied to the starter drillship you get from Captain at the begining of the game. The Design grows with the drillship. So even after you add more segments, the design gets automatically applied to the new segments!

COG Soldier

COG Soldier

31 Aug 2022

Be aware! The COG solider can be seen on board of all T1 COG drillships. It is unknown if it's an actual person in armor, or lighter version of a COG mechanoid.

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