UI Cheats Extension 1.47 (25.02.2025)
This mod enables the UI cheats extension and allows you to use various cheats by directly clicking on the user interface, as opposed to typing a command.
Needs Panel
- Left click on a needs bar to set its value to the position you clicked.
- Right click on a needs bar to set value (from -100 to 100).
- Right click on the vampire/spellcaster XP progress bar to select a rank.
- Right click on the Power point/Talent point counter for vampires/spellcasters to set it.
- Right click on a spellcaster curse to remove it.
- Right click on the icon that opens the Needs Panel to fill all needs of the currently selected Sim.
Simology Panel
- Right click on the age progress bar to add/subtract the number of days that have passed at the current age stage.
- Right click on the green Traits title bar to add one or more traits.
- Right click on the green Lifestyles title bar to add one or more lifestyles.
- Right click on a trait, lifestyle, university degree, or Servo behavior module to remove it.
- Right click on a character value meter to set value (from -100 to 100).
- Right click on the Fame or Reputation meter to select a rank.
- Right click on the Fame point counter to set it.
- Right click on a Batuu faction reputation bar to select a rank.
- Right click on the green NAP title bar to open the NAP voting panel of the current neighborhood (even if your Sim does not live in this neighborhood).
- Right click on the Influence point counter to set it.
Relationships Panel
- Right click on a Sim to set friendship/romance values (from -100 to 100).
Skills Panel
- Right click on a skill bar to select a level.
Career Panel
- Right click on a job icon or the green career title bar to promote, demote, change career branch, or select a level of the current branch.
- Right click on a promotion task, daily task, prep task, or work from home assignment to complete it.
- Right click on a work/school performance bar to set value (from -100 to 100).
- Right click on a work reputation bar to set value (from -100 to 100).
- Right click on the degree icon or the green Course Schedule title bar to change your Sim's university GPA.
- Right click on the suspension/probation text to remove your Sim from University suspension/probation.
- Right click on a university course icon to set grade (from 0 to 100).
Aspirations Panel
- Right click on an aspiration goal to fulfill it.
Social Groups Panel
- Right click on the Club perk point counter to set it.
- Right click on a University organization exp bar to select a rank.
- Right click on a University organization task to complete it.
Owned Businesses Panel
- Right click on the Retail Store/Restaurant/Vet Clinic perk point counter to set it.
Money Counter / Moodlet Area
- Left click on the money counter to gain $1000.
- Right click on the money counter to set household funds (Simoleons, Galactic Credits, bits, and pieces).
- Right click on a moodlet to remove the moodlet.
Game Speed Controls / In-Game Clock Area
- Right click on the in-game clock to set time (from 0 to 23; for example, entering "15" will set time to 3PM).
- Right click on the season icon to change the current season.
- Right click on the weather icon to change the current weather.
- Right click on the eco footprint icon to set the lot footprint or the neighborhood footprint (from -500 to 500).
Sim Profile
- Right click on the green Relationships title bar add one or more relationship bits.
- Right click on a relationship bit icon to remove it.
- Right click on the green Sentiments title bar add one or more sentiments.
- Right click on a sentiment to remove it or set its value (from 0 to 100).
Event / Holiday UI
- Right click on an event goal (for parties, dates, and active careers) to complete it.
- Right click on a holiday tradition to complete it.
Buy / Sell Panel
- Right click on the left or right arrow to increase or decrease the quantity by 10.
Rewards Store
- Right Click on a reward to unlock it.
Perk Purchase Panel (for Retail Stores / Restaurants / Vet Clinics)
- Right click on a perk to unlock or lock it.
Perk Purchase Panel (for Clubs)
- Right click on a perk to unlock or lock it.
Perk Purchase Panel (for Celebrities / Vampires / Spellcasters)
- Right click on a perk to unlock or lock it.
- Right click on a spell or a potion to unlock it.
Household Collections
- Right click on an item to spawn it to your Sim's inventory.
NAP Voting Panel
- Right click on an enacted policy to instantly repeal it.
- Right click on an achievement to unlock it.
- Right click on the check button (that's used to confirm changes and exit CAS) to randomize names, traits, and aspirations (to quickly create a Sim for testing purposes).
v1.30 is built with game version 1.85.203 and it will not work for older versions of the game.
If you play Legacy Edition, download the version here.
If you experience UI issues from this mod (such as missing interface, graphical or textual glitches on UI panels, freezing menus, etc.), it is always because there is a mismatch between your game version and the mod version. Make sure your game itself is up-to-date and only have one copy of this mod in your mods folder.
You can check the mod version number in-game by right clicking on the notebook icon (next to the phone icon) if you're unsure which version currently installed is.
This mod only conflicts with other UI mods that override the same resources. It does not conflict with other types of mods such as script mods and tuning mods.
When you indeed have a conflicting UI mod, what happens is that the game will read what's in the first mod and then ignore what's in the second mod. This usually just means the second mod will not function correctly. Unrelated game issues are unlikely caused by a conflict.
To install, simply extract the zip file and place both the package file and the script file in your mods folder.
If cheat windows do pop up but nothing happens after entering a value, this means the package file is installed correctly but the script file isn't. Make sure the script file is installed no more than one subfolder level deep and "Script Mods Allowed" is toggled on in the options menu.
v1.46 [01/14/2025]
- Updated for game version 1.112.481.
- Added a new cheat for Soul's Journey.
v1.45 [12/03/2024]
Updated for game version 1.111.102.
Added a new Ghost rank cheat to the the Simology panel.
v1.44.1 [11/01/2024]
Fixed this mod blocking hints for tarot cards from showing up in the House Collections panel.
Fixed that cheating aspiration goals using this mod would not mark them as complete.
Fixed that the fame & reputation cheat sometimes would not work due to Soul's Journey.
v1.44 [10/22/2024]
Updated for game version 1.110.265 (Life & Death patch).
Added a new Attraction & Romantic Satisfaction cheat to Sim Profiles.
Fixed some situations where the event goal cheat would stop working due to goals being refreshed.
v1.43 [09/18/2024]
Updated for game version 1.109.185.
Updated the event goal cheat to work for some of the newer events such as Lovestruck dates.
v1.42.1 [07/25/2024]
Updated for game version 1.108.329. EA has released an emergency fix for character values breaking the Simology panel. This mod needs to be updated again for the fix to apply.
v1.42 [07/23/2024]
Updated for game version 1.108.318 (Lovestruck patch).
Added a new cheat for the Sim Stat panel.
v1.41 [05/28/2024]
Updated for game version 1.107.112. The new game update included a fix for skills being out of order in the skill panel, and this mod was blocking the fix from being applied. The EA fix, however, doesn't actually fully fix this issue so I included an additional fix for it.
Added a new cheat for removing workplace rivals.
Fixed that the skill panel would take a long time to update when cheating a skill to level 1.
v1.40 [02/27/2024]
- Updated for game version 1.105.297 (Crystal Creations patch).
- Added a new scenario goal cheat.
UI Cheats Extension v1.15.1 for Legacy Edition (1.58.63)
UI Cheats Extension v1.16.3 for Legacy Edition (1.62.67)
UI Cheats Extension v1.15.1 (1.63)
UI Cheats Extension v1.18.0 (1.65)
UI Cheats Extension v1.19 (1.66) | Mirror
UI Cheats Extension v1.20.1 (1.68)
UI Cheats Extension v1.21 (1.69) | Mirror
UI Cheats Extension v1.22 (1.70)
UI Cheats Extension v1.23 (1.71-1.72)
UI Cheats Extension v1.24 (1.73-1.74)
UI Cheats Extension v1.25 (1.75-1.76)
UI Cheats Extension v1.26.1 ( 1.77)
UI Cheats Extension v1.27 (1.79-1.80)
UI Cheats Extension v1.28 (1.81)
UI Cheats Extension v1.28.1 (1.81-1.83)
UI Cheats Extension v1.29 (1.84)
UI Cheats Extension v1.30 (1.85 )
UI Cheats Extension v1.31 (1.86-1.87)
UI Cheats Extension v1.32 (1.89)
UI Cheats Extension v1.33 (1.90)
UI Cheats Extension v1.34 (1.91-1.95)
UI Cheats Extension v1.35 (1.96)
UI Cheats Extension v1.35.1 (1.96-1.98)
UI Cheats Extension v1.36 (1.99)
UI Cheats Extension v1.37 (1.100-1.101)
UI Cheats Extension v1.38 (1.102)
UI Cheats Extension v1.39 (1.103)
UI Cheats Extension v1.40 (1.105-1.106)
UI Cheats Extension v1.41 (1.107)
UI Cheats Extension v1.42 (1.108)
UI Cheats Extension v1.42.1 (1.108)
UI Cheats Extension v1.43 (1.109)
UI Cheats Extension v1.44 (1.110)
UI Cheats Extension v1.44.1 (1.110)
UI Cheats Extension v1.45 (1.111)
UI Cheats Extension v1.46 (1.112)
UI Cheats Extension v1.47 (1.113)