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Starter Drillship - Galaxy  

Upload: 01 Sep 2022, 08:39
Created by: Pavelik.Zh [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Starter Drillship - Galaxy

The paint job design is applied to the starter drillship you get from Captain at the begining of the game.
The Design grows with the drillship. So even after you add more segments, the design gets automatically applied to the new segments!

How to use:
1. Subscribe to the mod
2. Activate it in the game throught the Mod menu
3. Start a new game
4. Take the second quest from the captain - "Claim drillship"
5. The drillship with the modded look will surface from the ground

This mod does not effects visual of your drillship in an existing save file. It only works on drillships spawned by finising first quest at the begining of the game.

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COG Heat Extractor

31 Aug 2022

- New COG structure has been seen on the surface of the island! - It seems to be extracting energy from the lava pools.

8bit Shooting

8bit Shooting

31 Aug 2022

- Do you want to bring a little bit of music into your game? - Maybe even team up with your crew, where somebody plays revolver, shotgun and next SMG.

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