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[XCL] Quickening 1.0.6  

Upload: 27 Sep 2023, 11:37
Created by: azdraik [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

This is just a simple mod which changes how pregnancy progresses.  It will progress at the rate of 1 week every 3 days.

Removed the body pillow version as that mod has been updated to utilize a passage tag.

Should be compatible with all character mods now.  It should also work with existing saves.

1.0.5 - Compatible with XCL Version: 0.17b and its hotfixes.
1.0.6 - Compatible with XCL Version: 0.18a

Character Class Revamped [0.18a] [XCL] 1.0.3

Character Class Revamped [0.18a] [XCL] 1.0.3

29 Sep 2023

Reworks the character creation screen to have more choices for initial starting classes, while making the distributions for starting stats more equal in gameplay. It doesn't matter how you arrive at Summer City -- Nerds, Playboys, and Jocks all have the same starting potential!

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