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Nude mod v1.0.0.2  

Upload: 23 Jan 2024, 21:40
Created by: masterlot [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Nude mod v1.0.0.2

Invisible "undearwear" and some textures modifications. Female character exclusive.



If you load your save and the underwear isn't invisible just open the inventory/equipment screen and they should go invisible. Affects only the female character and their underwear (the no armor eqquipped clothes) for now.

3DMigoto is preconfigured in a way that makes the installation clean and its usage optimized. I've added the line "include_recursive = NudeMod" because the default "Mods" folder is occupied with REUE4SS mods but you can use whatever you want.

The mod is client sided only. Only thing it does is modifying shaders and textures.

If the mod isn't working make sure you've followed the installation correctly. You need the x64 files of 3DMigoto in your Win64 folder (nvapi64.dll, d3dcompiler_46.dll, d3d11.dll, d3dx.ini, ShaderFixes, uninstall.bat). Make sure you've replaced 3Dmigoto's d3dx.ini file with mine.

If you've done everything correctly and the mod is still not working then share your graphics settings in the comments bugs. There might be a combination that produces different shaders.

The textures aren't working properly when using the Max Graphics Mod. Probably something in their Engine.ini file that produces shaders that I can't manipulate. If you figure out which parameter is causing this you can share it in the comments.


Credits to bo3b for 3Dmigoto, the tool used to make this mod.

FungGirl Katress 6.1MB

FungGirl Katress NSFW

17 Feb 2024
3 430

This mod replaces Katress with a custom nsfw model. I took some freedom with some design aspects with the model, so if you dont like it, there is no problem.

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