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Parachuting Start  

Upload: 14 Aug 2023, 22:26
Created by: Panopticon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Parachuting Start

This mod gives you a parachute and animates it when you spawn. Not to be confused with "fort nights" or "royal battles", whatever those may be.

Outside Spawn Points & Insertions is recommended, but not strictly required, as it gives you the suitable spawn locations for using this mod.

Mod Details

  • You need to spawn outside with a new character, otherwise nothing will happen (specifically a character that has survived less than 0.1 hours)
  • After you land, the parachute will be automatically removed and you will be left with its container (works as a backpack)
  • You might spawn on top of zombies. The game isn't tailored for spawning outside like this, so either be prepared to immediately defend yourself, use some form of spawn protection, or try respawning.
    • The mod will bug out if you are hit during the parachute animation and stop everything. I can't really fix this, so don't get hit.

The "Insurgent Overwrite" add-on modifies two files:

  • InsurgentMod.lua:
    • Removes Insurgent's parachute from the player's inventory
    • Moves parachuting sound into a new function that is triggered after the player lands
    • Includes miscellaneous code improvements (checks mods for compatibility, cleaner code)
  • InsurgentWeaponUtil.lua
    • Checks if the player is outside and then moves equip weapon actions into new functions that are triggered after the player lands
    • Does a clean overwrite (nothing else in the original file is touched)
Future Plans
  • I plan to add parachutes as usable objects in the game, based on this mod
  • I also plan to recreate this mod to fully feature parachuting (i.e. spawn in a plane, pretend to "jump" out of it, and land somewhere random)
  • Look forward to it and stay tuned!

Arean - for the video showcase of the mod. Never had someone do this for me, so this is a first!
Mr Sunshine & Notloc - for the awesome Insurgent mod. It is literally game-changing and phenomenal.

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