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Working Masks  

Upload: 13 Aug 2022, 16:50
Created by: evoc [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Working Masks

This Mod attempts to make masks (such as gas masks) affect the sickness gain from corpses.

Condition of the mask is considered.

Gas Masks offer full protection at 100% condition.
Other specific masks as surgical masks half protection at 100% condition.
Lastly, items such as Balaclavas, Bandanas, etc. offer 25% protection at full condition, if they cover the mouth and Nose.

Currently supported mods:
Authentic Z, Shark's Law Enforcement Overhaul, Shark and Peach's Military Uniform Improvements, Brita's Armor Pack, Swatpack, ADVANCED GEAR, Paw Low Loot, Undead Survivor, Scrap Armor, Better Masks, Stalker Armor Pack
Any masks added by unsupported mods will work normally, but not offer any protection.

Feel free to suggest other masks to support or balance changes.

Should be safe to be added to or removed from an ongoing game as no items are being modified.
I have not tested it in MP, any feedback is welcome, if you give it a try.
Feedback so far has been positive.

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