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Aza's Posters  

Upload: 03 Aug 2022, 11:59
Created by: Erin Azakaela Redfire [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Aza's Posters

Adds 128 posters, which you can craft with 4 sheets of paper and a pencil

NOTE: some don't show up when you right click, and will throw an error for some reason -- check the crafting menu

Update: reduced the extra nonsense in the texture pack that didn't need to be there, and I've included the tilesets in the assets folder of the mod, so you can utilize these posters if you're a map maker!

Improvised Glass

Improvised Glass

22 Jul 2022
1 138

You've survived the apocalypse. You've memorized the Wood Time TV Jingle. You've stolen countless cars, survived endless nights and you've scavenged your little heart out and yet, that elusive windshield or home window eludes you. Not anymore! Introducing "Improvised Glass"

Barricaded World - Extended Erosion [b41+]

Barricaded World - Extended Erosion [b41+]

11 Aug 2022
1 605

Most of the time, I play at very advanced erosion. But I always found that houses were "too clean" so I created this mod to put erosion to the next level. It makes most of the houses look like abandoned safehouses and city buildings appear desolated.

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