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Fancy Handwork  

Upload: 31 May 2023, 09:54
Created by: dhert [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Fancy Handwork

Supports B41+. Works in Multiplayer
A new save is not required

A Suite of Animations to make your player more alive!

  • Attaching or Detaching an item to your Hotbar now has a chance to be done with the left arm
  • Equipping and Unequipping your secondary item is now done with the left arm
  • "Hand Swap" action to quickly swap the primary and secondary held items
  • Modifier key to quickly equip items in secondary hand using from your Hotbar
  • Animation Mask for the Left and Right Arms to correct the Positions and Rotation of the held item
  • Includes 2 new poses when aiming a handgun and holding a secondary tool, based on your "Aim" level! Configurable in the Sandbox Options.
  • World Interaction animations!
  • NEW: World Interaction animations from the rear!
  • Cooking Animations!
  • Appropriate Vanilla Animations have now been placed on over 50! TimedActions that previously did not have one.
  • NEW: Wrench Repair Animation!

Important information is updated on this page, but full information and release notes are available in the Discussions. Please see the latest: Fancy Handwork - "It's Over 9,000!" Update


If you receive an error about missing actions, or world interactions are simply not playing, you may need to restart Project Zomboid. I have noticed that enabling this mod for the first time on an already-existing save and starting the game will result in the new animations not being loaded until the game is restarted. This is a BASE GAME issue, but should only happen the first time.

If you receive an error following any update, please see: How to fix updated mods in Build 41 Multiplayer
This mod adds many additional animation and action files, which may change between releases. I try to minimize this, but sometimes it is necessary. Unfortunately, Steam sometimes doesn't like to update these correctly resulting in errors.


When Attaching or Detaching an item on your Hotbar, you have a chance for the action to automatically be done with your left hand.

A modifier key is added as well, which by default is bound to "Left Control".
Note: By default, "Left Control" is the "Aim" key. I personally do not use the keyboard to aim (its right-click on the mouse anyways) so I disable this keybind. You are free to rebind the key in options.

When you press the Modifier Key and a Hotbar slot, the item slotted there will go into your Secondary Hand. Example: (Left Control + 2) equips a Hammer to your left hand.

Pressing the Modifier and "E" will swap the items in your hands. (Configurable)

Interacting with the world normally, such as opening and closing doors and curtains, flicking light switches, and more, all now have an Animation!

Almost ALL TimedActions now have an Animation! No longer will your character just stand there, waiting for a progress bar to fill up!

Notes about World Interactions

If you are standing still you will turn and face the object you are interacting with if you are not already doing so. There is a Sandbox setting to control how long of a delay before you character is standing still, or the forced turn can be disabled or required.

When performing a World Interaction and moving your character will slow down slightly, and stop altogether in the case of opening a Garage Door, for a very brief moment. I have no plans on this being a configurable option, and this is done intentionally. It is a fantastic inclusion for immersion in my opinion, and in tight situations makes planning your movement all the more important. After time, you will hardly notice it.
NEW 01/19/2023 - The speed reduction has been reduced from 50% to 25%. This should help prevent the player from being trapped, while still being a nice addition to immersion.


Animations should sync across multiplayer with little to no issues!


There is currently no support for controllers, unless an action is done via the Context Menu. I will be working on Controller Support in a future Update.

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